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Mexico city is a city among the clouds. Bob Beamon was benefited by it in 1968, and I suffer from it in 2010. Walking gets me heavy breath and we shouldn't talk about walking the stairs. But is my goal to be able to walk the stairs up to the international office without being all dizzy.
In the weekend we went to Acapulco and experienced some real mexican heat. Apparently MC has got a little taste of what's happening in Europe since it's been really cold and apparently rained while I was gone (I feel so lucky :D). Anyways Acapulco was awesome and the first "real" beach I've been to. Great sunshine, great waves, great chillaxing spots. Atleast where we went out it was quite expensive but still worth it. I can't keep up with the Mexicans extreme stamina when it comes to dancing, but it's still nice to experience. Although I must say that they like buttersingers (smörsångare) a little to much for my taste :p The song for the trip must have been Pokerface, the food was definitely quesadillas and the drink must have been beer with lime, yumyum.
Oh and in the travels between Acapulco and MC I saw some of the Mexican countryside and nature and now I'm really psyched to go hiking in the mountains, it looks åsm. I've also been told that there is a Mexican version of Grand Canyon (that is even greater) that I would love to see as well.
Today I had my first classes and it was nice. I got thrown in to the spanish language directly with useful phrases (the ones about taxis being especially useful), counting and pronunciation (it's hard to differ between v and b since the Mexicans don't). I'm probably won't be able to understand the fast spoken language even after the course, but it's a good start. The others where two slightly different literature courses I think I actually will have a lot of fun with. I just have to get used to have a lot of homework.
Last week we went to Xochimilco and took a boatride called trajineras in some canals which are the left overs I believe of the lake that once were where Mexico City is now. It's great fun, you should try it.
There is so much to say, but well that's all for now, I'll keep you posted.
haha buttersinger...
väldigt trevligt att läsa om hur du har det! det låter super :)
lycka till med allt!
4:23 em
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12:13 fm
Jag har iaf en knapp som heter följa.. man kanske måste logga in eller något. Det är google som äger schabraket så gnäll på dem eller använd din gmail (som jag antar att du har).
7:22 fm
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